Friday, April 27, 2012


I was working on the PIASC postcard during the Zoo assignment.


The purpose of this assignment was to use a variety of tools to cut these items out of their backgrounds. We used the quick selection tool, masking tool, and quick mask.

Fantasy Flyer

The purpose of this assignment was to cut out the plane using the pen and path tool. Also using the quick mask to clean up anything that we were not able to get while using the first tools. We also needed to choose type that would go properly with the playfulness of the ad.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Exhibit Poster

The purpose of this the exhibit assignment was to learn how to properly resize images so that pixels do not become distorted. In this assignment we also has to use our knowledge of layouts to make sure that things are aligned properly. Also to make sure that the correct things a larger than others.

PSA - cyber bullying

The point this assignment was to learn how to properly blend photos together. To create this affect around the photos I used the marquee tool with a feather on it. We also had to make sure that the words that we put on the photo represented the the message that we were trying to get across.